travis (at appoxy)
att_meta is nil and errors appwas updated by travis (at appoxy)Wednesday Dec 30
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att_meta is nil and errors app was updated by travis (at appoxy) 07:29 PM ticket
Make has_many use ResultsArray, rathe... was created by travis (at appoxy)
Monday Nov 23
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When pushing items into ResultsArray,... was created by travis (at appoxy)
Tuesday Nov 17
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add newify or mark_as_new method whic... was created by travis (at appoxy)
Wednesday Oct 14
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Implement paging with COUNT/LIMIT and next_token was updated by travis (at appoxy)
Friday Oct 09
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Convert params to appropriate types o... was created by travis (at appoxy) 10:58 AM ticket
Implement paging with COUNT/LIMIT and... was created by travis (at appoxy)
Wednesday Oct 07
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Home was created by travis (at appoxy)
Tuesday Sep 29
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Need to add validation methods in simplerecordwas updated by travis (at appoxy) 06:48 PM ticket